
AntWiki: The Ants --- Online


Information for this template is displayed as follows:

This species is a <<Relationship>> for the <<Associate Type>> <<Associate Taxon>> (a <<Associate Relationship>>) in <<Locality>> (<<Source>>) (<<Notes>>).

If the field Ant Species Unknown is set to any value, the display changes to:

An unknown species is a <<Relationship>> for the <<Associate Type>> <<Associate Taxon>> (a <<Associate Relationship>>) in <<Locality>> (<<Source>>) (<<Notes>>).

To display only the <<Associate Taxon>> name, set Inline to any value (leaving it blank will display the above text).

Note that if an item is missing it will be skipped and not displayed.


|Relationship = host, prey, symbiont, parasite, social parasite
|Associate Type = fungus, insects, social parasite, generally singular
|Associate Type Link = Link for Associate Taxon text
|Associate Taxon = Taxonomic name of the associate (genus, species, etc)
|Associate Taxon Link = Link for Associate Taxon text
|Associate Relationship = host, prey, symbiont, parasite, social parasite
|Associate Relationship Link = Link for Associate Relationship text
|Locality = Place name
|Source = Publication
|Notes = Misc. notes
|Ant Species Unknown = any value will display "An unknown species" rather than "This species"
|Inline = any value will display only the taxon name and its link
}} This template defines the table "Associate". View table.