Nesomyrmex tshiguvhoae

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Nesomyrmex tshiguvhoae
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Myrmicinae
Tribe: Crematogastrini
Genus: Nesomyrmex
Species group: simoni
Species: N. tshiguvhoae
Binomial name
Nesomyrmex tshiguvhoae
Mbanyana & Robertson, 2008

Nesomyrmex tshiguvhoae P.jpg

Nesomyrmex tshiguvhoae D.jpg

Recorded from Nama-Karoo north of Prince Albert and Renosterveld on tillite in the Nieuwoudtville region. Most specimens were caught in pitfalls but they were also in yellow pan traps, Malaise traps and from sweeping of vegetation.


Mbanyana and Robertson (2008) - A member of the simoni species-group. This is a distinctive dark brown species with metapleural gland bulla large and bulging so that in dorsal view the sides below the propodeum are convex along their medial length; whereas in other species metapleural gland bulla is not prominent, in dorsal view the sides below the propodeum are more-or-less straight along their medial length.

Keys including this Species


Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: -30.15° to -34.04055556°.

Tropical South

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Afrotropical Region: South Africa (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

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Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.




The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • tshiguvhoae. Nesomyrmex tshiguvhoae Mbanyana & Robertson, 2008: 53, figs. 4a-c (w.) SOUTH AFRICA.

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.



Holotype. HL 0.885, HW 0.677, HW1 0.777, CI 76, SL 0.696, SI 103, PW 0.482, ML 1.052, EL 0.290, EI 43.

Mandibles predominantly smooth, with longitudinal striations in parts. Median clypeus smooth and bordered by two pairs of longitudinal striations beyond which are further shorter striations. Anterior clypeal margin convex in dorsal view with a projecting translucent lamella medially. Eyes large with 16 ommatidia in the longest row. Scapes relatively long (SI 103). Head in full with face-view hind margin evenly convex. Promesonotum in profile evenly convex. Metanotal groove deeply impressed with a few strongly developed cross ribs. Metapleural gland bulla massively developed, particularly noticeable in dorsal view. Propodeal dorsum long and shallowly convex and sloping down to a short declivity that is demarcated from the dorsum by a pair of angled projections, too short to be termed teeth. Metapleural lobes low and rounded. Anterior peduncle with a small, shallow keel-like subpetiolar process. Anterior and dorsal faces of the node form a well-defined angle, from which the short dorsal face slopes evenly into the posterior face. Postpetiole similar in height to petiolar node and more bulky and rounded. Head in full face view smooth and shiny posteriorly and medially, with a few fine striations posterior to the lobes. Promesonotal dorsum smooth and shining, with superficial reticulate sculpture towards the metanotal groove. Metanotal groove with cross-ribs. Propodeal dorsum and declivity with transverse rugulae becoming irregular anteriorly. Petiolar node and postpetiole with irregular, superficial reticulate sculpture. Base of first gastral tergite with short costulae and the rest of the tergite smooth and shining. Dorsum of head with 10 short suberect hairs and sparse pubescence present. The venter of head with five curved hairs. Six pairs of erect hairs on the promesonotum; three pairs of erect hairs on the propodeum; four suberect hairs on the petiolar node; and six suberect hairs on the postpetiole; sparse pubescence present. Gastral tergite and sternite with evenly distributed short suberect hairs, acute apically. Colour uniformly dark brown.

Paratypes. HL 0.767–0.924, HW 0.570–0.705, HW1 0.637–0.801, CI 73–78, SL 0.561–0.718, SI 94–105, PW 0.420–0.526, ML 0.865–1.114, EL 0.219–0.311, EI 38–44. (9 of 30 measured).

Same as holotype except the following differences: mandibles either with longitudinal striations or smooth and shining. The dorsum of head with up to 15 suberect hairs; the venter of head with 5–10 curved hairs. Base of first gastral tergite with or without short costulae.

Type Material

Holotype: South Africa: Western Cape: 26 km from Prince Albert on Leeu Gamka road, 32°59’S 22°00’E, 10–19 October 1996, T.E. Tshiguvho, SAM-HYM-C009355. Paratypes: South Africa: Western Cape: 26 km from Prince Albert on Leeu Gamka road, 32°59’S 22°00’E, 10–19 October 1996, T.E. Tshiguvho, SAM-HYM-C009360 & SAM-HYM-C009356; 15 km from Prince Albert on Leeu Gamka road, 32°05’S 22°02’E, 10–19 October 1996,T.E. Tshiguvho, SAM-HYM-C009362,SAM-HYM-C009361 & SAM-HYM-C009359; Northern Cape: Hotbergsfontein farm, Boophone Site (4.64 km 125° SE Nieuwoudtville), 31°23’18”S 19°9’36”E, 12–19 October 2000, H.G. Robertson, D. Larsen & R. Adams, NW00-DN3-P07, SAM-HYMC019120; Hotbergsfontein farm, Boophone Site (4.64 km 125° SE Nieuwoudtville), 31°23.296’S 19°09.608’E, 12–19 October, S. van Noort & H.G. Robertson, NW00-DN3-Y217, SAM-HYM-C019121.


Named after Thidinalei Ennie Tshiguvho, who collected the holotype.


References based on Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics

  • Hita Garcia F., Mbanyana N., Audisio T. L., and G. D. Alpert. 2017. Taxonomy of the ant genus Nesomyrmex Wheeler (Formicidae, Myrmicinae) in the Afrotropical region, with a review of current species groups and description of a new species of the N. angulatus group from Mozambique. European Journal of Taxonomy 258: 1–31.
  • Mbanyana N., and H. G. Robertson. 2008. Review of the ant genus Nesomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) in southern Africa. African Natural History 4: 35-55.