Key to Paratrechina of the southwestern Australian Botanical Province

AntWiki: The Ants --- Online

This worker key is based on: Heterick, B. E. 2009a. A guide to the ants of South-western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 76: 1-206. Part 2.

The constituent species in this key now belong to three genera: Nylanderia, Paraparatrechina, and Paratrechina

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  • Yellowish species; erect, bristly setae on head capsule confined to two pairs on margin of vertex and several pairs straddling midline (minutula species-group) . . . . . 2
  • Brown species; erect, bristly setae well distributed on head capsule . . . . . 3


return to couplet #1

  • Eye elliptical, moderate in size (Eye length < 1/3 head length) (Figure 378); brownish-yellow species . . . . . Paraparatrechina minutula
Figure 378.
Paraparatrechina minutula casent0178393 h 1 high.jpg
Paraparatrechina minutula casent0178393 p 1 high.jpg
  • Eye slightly asymmetrical (as in Iridomyrmex hartmeyeri group), larger (Eye length ≈ 1/3 head length) (Figure 379); depigmented yellow . . . . . Paraparatrechina minutula group sp. JDM 916
Figure 379.


return to couplet #1

  • Antennal scapes very long, exceeding vertex of head capsule by 2/3 their length (Figure 380); eye large (eye length ≥ 1/3 length of head capsule) (introduced to SWBP) . . . . . Paratrechina longicornis
Figure 380.
Paratrechina longicornis casent0063128 head 1.jpg
Paratrechina longicornis casent0063128 profile 1.jpg
  • Antennal scapes much shorter, exceeding vertex of head capsule by ≤ 1/2 their length (Figure 381); eye smaller (eye length ≤ 1/4 length of head capsule) (introduced to SWBP) . . . . . 4
Figure 381.


return to couplet #3

  • Mesopleuron lacking distinct pubescence, appressed setae, if present, very few in number (Figure 382) . . . . . Nylanderia glabrior
Figure 382.
Prenolepis braueri glabrior syntype ANIC32-047385 head 50-Antwiki.jpg
Prenolepis braueri glabrior syntype ANIC32-047385 side 32-Antwiki.jpg
  • Mesopleuron uniformly covered with pubescence (Figure 383) . . . . . Nylanderia cf. obscura (ANIC SOS sp. 3)
Figure 383.