Key to Australian Platythyrea Species

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The following key to Australian Platythyrea species (based on workers and queens) has been modified from Brown (1975[1]).


  • Petiolar node seen from directly above longer than broad, or rarely about as broad as, or even slightly broader than, long, but always much narrower than pronotum; maxillary palpi short, not extending much beyond buccal cavity => Platythyrea parallela
Platythyrea parallela casent0102279 head 1.jpg
Platythyrea parallela casent0102279 profile 1.jpg
  • Petiolar node seen from above much broader than long (W at least 1.25 X L), nearly, or quite, as broad as pronotum; maxillary palpi very long, extending almost to foramen magnum => 2


  • Petiolar node brownish red, contrasting with dark brown of head and gaster (E, S, and SW Australia) => Platythyrea turneri
Platythyrea turneri casent0260486 h 1 high.jpg
Platythyrea turneri casent0260486 p 1 high.jpg
  • Head and body unicolorous brown or ferruginous => 3


  • Color dark brown; most standing hairs of dorsal body surfaces < 0.08 mm long; posterodorsal margin of petiolar node unarmed in the middle (SW Australia) => Platythyrea micans
Platythyrea micans casent0172410 head 1.jpg
Platythyrea micans casent0172410 profile 1.jpg
  • Color yellowish ferruginous; most standing hairs of dorsal body surfaces > 0.10 mm long; posterodorsal margin of petiolar node with a weakly developed to sharp, upturned median tooth (S Australia and SW Australia) => Platythyrea brunnipes
Platythyrea brunnipes casent0172406 head 1.jpg
Platythyrea brunnipes casent0172406 profile 1.jpg

and Platythyrea dentinodis

Platythyrea dentinodis casent0172409 head 1.jpg
Platythyrea dentinodis casent0172409 profile 1.jpg


  1. Brown, W.L.,Jr. 1975. Contributions toward a reclassification of the Formicidae. 5. Ponerinae, tribes Platythyreini, Cerapachyini, Cylindromyrmecini, Acanthostichini, and Aenictogitini. Search Agriculture 5. Entomology (Ithaca) 15: 1-115.